:: S-I-C it ::
:: S-I-C it ::
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

We are All Equal

::What more can one ask for this Merdeka Day, for upon waking up and opening the day's papers, one reads that ::

"All of us are the same,
We are all Malaysians.
We are all equals."

The new PM has spoken. We will work with him, tell him the truth as we see it and ensure that as he has spoken, so it will be that Malaysia will be a land, where from this day on ::

"All of us are the same,
We are all Malaysians.
We are all equals."

[Now you see it, now you don't]

"All of us are the same, we are all Malaysians. There is no individual in this country recognised as "more Malaysian" than others," he said.[Bernama]

Abdullah said there is no individual in the country recognised as "more Malaysian" than others.
"All of us are the same, we are all Malaysians. We are all equals," he said. [The Star]

Let all citizens of Malaysia, without feeling inferior, without feeling sidelined, irrespective of race or religion, rise to become statesmen in our own land. We are equal, we are all Malaysians. No individual in this country is more Malaysian than another.[New Straits Times]

The Funnies, The Spins, The Humourous and The Humourless......
"I do not aim at fusion. Each religion has its own contribution to make to human evolution. I regard the great faiths of the WORLD as so many branches of a tree, each distinct from the other though having the same source.----Mahatma Ghandhi.

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